Simagran PR
Simagran PR
Reajuste salarial - 27/06/2013

Simagran inicia negociação da CCT

Participam membros da diretoria e associados quites com as mensalidades

O Simagran dá início às rodadas de negociação da sua Convenção Coletiva de Trabalho (CCT), no dia 19 de junho. Participam membros da diretoria e associados quites com as mensalidades. Às 14 horas o sindicato recebe os empresários do setor e às 15 horas o sindicato dos trabalhadores.

O piso salarial atual é de R$ 3,48 a hora para ajudante geral, R$ 4,45 para servente, R$ 4,73 para meio profissional, R$ 5,94 para profissional, R$ 6,52 para encarregado do setor e R$ 8,46 para encarregado geral.

O Simagran está localizado na Avenida Candido de Abreu, 200, 8º andar. Mais informações podem ser obtidas pelo telefone (41) 3271-9093.

Coment�rios - Deixe seu coment�rio

por Travis Kelce Suit - Terça-feira, 17 de Outubro de 2023 - 02:23:27 - Comentar

Your blog consistently provides valuable insights and practical tips. loki tva jumpsuit

por Swetaaa Sharma - Sexta-feira, 13 de Outubro de 2023 - 07:22:38 - Comentar

Affiliate marketing is the process of earning commission by recommending a product or service offered by another Affiliate Marketing in Delhi business. As a business model, it can be highly profitable because the business pays you for every referred sale.

por Swetaaa Sharma - Sexta-feira, 13 de Outubro de 2023 - 07:19:20 - Comentar

Affiliate marketing is the process of earning commission by recommending a product or service offered by another Affiliate Marketing in Delhi business. As a business model, it can be highly profitable because the business pays you for every referred sale.

por fetigeti - Terça-feira, 10 de Outubro de 2023 - 00:00:24 - Comentar

The level design is a testament Dino Game to the developers' creativity, offering a perfect balance between challenge and enjoyment.

por zetisno zetisno - Segunda-feira, 09 de Outubro de 2023 - 23:59:00 - Comentar

The level design is a testament Dino Game to the developers' creativity, offering a perfect balance between challenge and enjoyment.

por nelly - Sábado, 07 de Outubro de 2023 - 04:03:27 - Comentar

With [heardle 80s](, you can see how well you know music from the 1980s and see if you can name the legendary hits that defined a generation

por nelly - Sábado, 07 de Outubro de 2023 - 03:59:23 - Comentar

With [url=]heardle 80s[/url], you can see how well you know music from the 1980s and see if you can name the legendary hits that defined a generation

por nelly - Sábado, 07 de Outubro de 2023 - 03:58:29 - Comentar

With heardle 80s, you can see how well you know music from the 1980s and see if you can name the legendary hits that defined a generation

por nelly - Sábado, 07 de Outubro de 2023 - 03:58:05 - Comentar

With heardle 80s, you can see how well you know music from the 1980s and see if you can name the legendary hits that defined a generation

por Connections Puzzle - Sábado, 23 de Setembro de 2023 - 10:23:21 - Comentar
Connections Puzzle Game is a popular word association puzzle game In the Connections Wordle Game, you'll be given a total of 16 words. Your task is to create groups of 4 words each, so you end up with 4 groups in total. Each group should have 4 words that are somehow connected to each other.

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