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HOMENAGEM12/08/2016 - Atualizado em 15/08/2016

Dia dos Pais: uma data para retribuir todo o seu amor e dedicação

A gente pediu na última edição e alguns colaboradores e colaboradoras publicaram fotos com os seus pais ou com os filhos no Yammer.

Ser pai é, além de ser amigo e confidente, proteger seus filhos com amor e ensinar com sabedoria o caminho que devem seguir em suas vidas.

Nesse dia especial, o Sistema Fiep homenageia aqueles que não medem esforços para a felicidade de seus filhos.

Veja o que alguns colaboradores publicaram no Yammer ♡ ♡ ♡ 






seo - Terça-feira, 26 de Julho de 2022 - 10:14:40 - hyd/PA

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james - Sábado, 11 de Janeiro de 2020 - 01:31:31 - jereik/RS

James Bauer has taken in a great deal through understanding. He accepts the issues among ladies and men are on the grounds that they don't comprehend each other. His Secret Obsession is an assemblage of his involvement with life and all that he has educated. his secret obsession - He made this guide explicitly to assist ladies with seeing increasingly about men so they can wipe out the hole in their connections.

Advantages of His Secret Obsession

â?¢ The guide is in an eBook structure. It is simple and easy to download on a PC or any shrewd gadget. This implies the lady will approach the program regardless of where she is.

â?¢ The arrangement of the book is elegantly composed and very useful.

â?¢ His Secret Obsession furnishes ladies with the directions they requirement for improving their connections.

james - Sábado, 11 de Janeiro de 2020 - 01:30:13 - jereik/RS

The creator of His Secret Obsession is James Bauer. He has an astounding notoriety as a prepared analyst and relationship mentor. He has twelve years of involvement with showing couples how to improve their connections by genuinely interfacing. He is likewise not another creator Text Chemistry. He has composed different books including What Men Secretly Want. The focal point of this book is helping ladies comprehend the wants and brain science of men.

james - Sábado, 11 de Janeiro de 2020 - 01:29:27 - jereik/RS

The creator of His Secret Obsession is James Bauer. He has an astounding notoriety as a prepared analyst and relationship mentor. He has twelve years of involvement with showing couples how to improve their connections by genuinely interfacing. He is likewise not another creator Text Chemistry. He has composed different books including What Men Secretly Want. The focal point of this book is helping ladies comprehend the wants and brain science of men.

James Bauer has taken in a great deal through understanding. He accepts the issues among ladies and men are on the grounds that they don't comprehend each other. His Secret Obsession is an assemblage of his involvement with life and all that he has educated. He made this guide explicitly to assist ladies with seeing increasingly about men so they can wipe out the hole in their connections.


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    1. Os sites do Sistema Fiep incentivam a prática do debate responsável. São abertos a todo tipo de opinião. Mas não aceitam ofensas. Serão deletados comentários contendo insulto, difamação ou manifestações de ódio e preconceito;
    2. São um espaço para troca de ideias, e todo leitor deve se sentir à vontade para expressar a sua. Não serão tolerados ataques pessoais, ameaças, exposição da privacidade alheia, perseguições (cyber-bullying) e qualquer outro tipo de constrangimento;
    3. Incentivamos o leitor a tomar responsabilidade pelo teor de seus comentários e pelo impacto por ele causado; informações equivocadas devem ser corrigidas, e mal entendidos, desfeitos;
    4. Defendemos discussões transparentes, mas os sites do Sistema Fiep não se dispõem a servir de plataforma de propaganda ou proselitismo, de qualquer natureza.
    5. Dos leitores, não se cobra que concordem, mas que respeitem e admitam divergências, que acreditamos próprias de qualquer debate de ideias.