
Congresso Nós Podemos Paraná

O objetivo do Congresso Nós Podemos Paraná é fomentar a discussão sobre temas relacionados aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio (ODM) e a apresentação de projetos que colaboram para o alcance dos ODM nos municípios paranaenses. São convidados palestrantes que debatem os temas propostos e é realizada uma mostra com a apresentação dos projetos realizados nos municípios por diversas instituições, governos, indústrias, empresas e ONGs.

Todos os anos é escolhido um tema central, em 2011 o tema do Congresso foi "Participação cidadã: Voluntariado e os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio". Na programação foram debatidos 5 subtemas: o voluntariado empresarial, o voluntariado jovem, voluntariado na terceira idade, gestão de voluntários e voluntariado comunitário.

Ao final do Congresso os participantes são incentivados a realizarem ações no Movimento Nós Podemos nos municípios contribuindo assim com o desenvolvimento local. O Congresso é um evento gratuito e aberto a toda a comunidade.

Resultados quantitativos

7 Congressos

4.995 - participantes

63 - palestras

739 - projetos apresentados

Resultados qualitativos

"O congresso nos ofereceu muitas ideias para realizar e articular propostas efetivamente significativas na geração de inovações e melhorias socioambientais. Com certeza voltaremos para nossas cidades prontos para colocarmos os ODM em prática.", Beatriz Lemanski Ávila Ferreira.

"O encontro foi muito enriquecedor. Foram apresentadas experiências inovadoras que destacam a parceria, trabalho em rede e o comprometimento das pessoas. O Congresso incentiva as pessoas a colocarem em prática as suas ideias, com projetos que fazem a diferença", Jaqueline Comar.

"Levo daqui formas de trabalho e ideias de cada região, mesmo que cada município tenhas as suas particularidades, acho interessante a ligação entre todos pelo mesmo objetivo. Gostei muito dos eventos culturais do Congresso. Simples e Impactante", Maicon Dalazcana.


Congresso "Os avanços dos ODM e os desafios dos ODS"





      Mostra de Projetos 2015



Congresso "A Caminhada dos ODM no Paraná e a Agenda Pós-2015" 



         Fotos 1.º Dia 

         Fotos 2.º Dia 

         Mostra de Projetos 2014



6.º Congresso Nós Podemos Paraná


      Mostra de Projetos 2013




5.º Congresso Nós Podemos Paraná




Fotos 1.º Dia

Fotos 2.º Dia
Mostra de Projetos 2012




4º Congresso Nós Podemos Paraná

Mostra de Projetos 2011


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3º Congresso Nós Podemos Paraná

Mostra de Projetos 2010

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2º Congresso Nós Podemos Paraná:

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1º Congresso Nós Podemos Paraná & 7ª Mostra de Ação Voluntária:



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por asaas - Segunda-feira, 03 de Julho de 2017 - 08:18:04 - Comentar

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Acer Computer Support NumberOn May 22, 2017, reports reached Everest Base Camp of four corpses found in a tent at Camp Four (7,950 meters [26,082 ft] ). The ill-fated climbers were presumed to have died from altitude sickness and were discovered by a team sent up the mountain to retrieve the body of a Slovakian climber who had perished on his ascent three days earlier. When it later transpired that none of the climbing agencies on the mountain were missing any climbersâ?"or at least had none that were unaccounted forâ?"confusion arose as to who the four climbers might have been.

por asaas - Segunda-feira, 03 de Julho de 2017 - 08:17:16 - Comentar

Canon Printer Technical Help Number
Acer Computer Support NumberOn May 22, 2017, reports reached Everest Base Camp of four corpses found in a tent at Camp Four (7,950 meters [26,082 ft] ). The ill-fated climbers were presumed to have died from altitude sickness and were discovered by a team sent up the mountain to retrieve the body of a Slovakian climber who had perished on his ascent three days earlier. When it later transpired that none of the climbing agencies on the mountain were missing any climbersâ?"or at least had none that were unaccounted forâ?"confusion arose as to who the four climbers might have been.

por asaas - Segunda-feira, 03 de Julho de 2017 - 08:17:00 - Comentar

Canon Printer Technical Help Number
Acer Computer Support NumberOn May 22, 2017, reports reached Everest Base Camp of four corpses found in a tent at Camp Four (7,950 meters [26,082 ft] ). The ill-fated climbers were presumed to have died from altitude sickness and were discovered by a team sent up the mountain to retrieve the body of a Slovakian climber who had perished on his ascent three days earlier. When it later transpired that none of the climbing agencies on the mountain were missing any climbersâ?"or at least had none that were unaccounted forâ?"confusion arose as to who the four climbers might have been.

por asaas - Segunda-feira, 03 de Julho de 2017 - 08:16:38 - Comentar

Canon Printer Technical Help Number
Acer Computer Support NumberOn May 22, 2017, reports reached Everest Base Camp of four corpses found in a tent at Camp Four (7,950 meters [26,082 ft] ). The ill-fated climbers were presumed to have died from altitude sickness and were discovered by a team sent up the mountain to retrieve the body of a Slovakian climber who had perished on his ascent three days earlier. When it later transpired that none of the climbing agencies on the mountain were missing any climbersâ?"or at least had none that were unaccounted forâ?"confusion arose as to who the four climbers might have been.

por asaas - Segunda-feira, 03 de Julho de 2017 - 08:10:38 - Comentar

Windows Support Number
Supposing Mallory, Irvine, or even the Russians didnâ??t reach the top of the world before perishing, the question as to who did get to the summit first still isnâ??t entirely resolved. After their ascent, Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay struck a gentlemanly pact to never reveal who really took the last step first, hoping to defuse the anti-imperialist sentiment then on the rise in Nepal and India by avoiding any suggestion that a Westerner had beaten one of their own to the summit of the world. A poster that appeared in Kathmandu shortly after Hillary and Tenzingâ??s ascent, however, left little doubt as to who the Nepalis thought was first, depicting Hillary struggling up a rope some yards behind his climbing companion. Later, two of Tenzingâ??s sons would also reveal that their father had told them in private that it was he, not Hillary, who had summited first, despite both climbers having stuck to their agreement and maintaining publicly that they had reached the summit at exactly the same time.Mobile Insurance in India

por asaas - Segunda-feira, 03 de Julho de 2017 - 08:07:16 - Comentar

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When I paused at a mound of rocks I saw some spirits in the form of black shadows coming towards me, stretching their hands and begging for something to eat. I think those were the spirits of the many mountaineers killed during and after their ascent of Mount Everest. The bodies of many of those who died are still on the mountain and one climber who died from an accidental fall is still hanging from a rope.

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por berita menarik - Segunda-feira, 03 de Julho de 2017 - 05:37:49 - Comentar

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Nós Podemos Paraná - Av. Comendador Franco, 1341 - Jardim Botânico - 80215-090 - Curitiba/PR - Fone: 41 3271-7692